Platform Ventures Diversified Housing REIT, LLC | REIT Profile

CIK: 1726676
CIK: 1726676
Exchange: N/A
Founded: 2018 (6 years)
HQ: Fairway, KS, United States
Type of REIT: Equity REIT
Listing Status: Public, Non-Listed
REIT Sector: Residential, Retailages/reits/0001726676/Platform-Ventures-Diversified-Ho

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About Platform Ventures Diversified Housing REIT, LLC

Platform Ventures is a holding company, which through its subsidiaries, invests in real estate assets, real estate operating companies, and real estate technologies. We are entrepreneurs ourselves and believe real estate is inherently an entrepreneurial endeavor. Platform Ventures, through certain investment management subsidiaries, specifically Platform Investments, the firm's registered investment advisory entity1, manages and invests in real estate, real estate-related assets, and real estate-focused companies located throughout the United States. The investment team has experience investing across the risk spectrum with a specific focus on identifying assets that we believe are undervalued and/or undermanaged. The team targets opportunities in commercial real estate and will invest in both debt and equity investments. Platform's experienced team seeks to add value to client portfolios by applying its knowledge of the long-term cycles and macro-economic trends that shape the real estate market in order to create price-to-value dislocations.

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Properties Owned by 1726676

1726676 Sample Property

Sample of REIT’s Properties. Image Source - REIT’s website

Last updated: 2024-04-16 - v4.8