REIT Property

This property belongs to Select Income REIT, Inc. (SIR). To learn more about this REIT or see other properties that belong to SIR, please visit their profile.

Inverness Center


Property Address
Address: 44 Inverness Center Parkway
City: Birmingham
State: AL
ZIP Code: 35242
Country: United States

About REIT
Name: Select Income REIT, Inc.
Symbol: SIR
Street View of 44 Inverness Center Parkway Birmingham AL 35242 United States Property

Below are the average cap rates per property type for the city of Birmingham, AL provided by CapRateIndex. The cap rate is updated frequently. To learn more, please visit CapRateIndex.

City State City Cap Rate Multi-Family Cap Rate Single-Family Cap Rate Apartment Cap Rate Commercial Cap Rate Industrial Cap Rate
Birmingham AL 7.53 7.23 10.42 - - 8.63

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